Comparing Vasectomy Reversal Procedures

If you have had a vasectomy, you have likely put a great deal of thought into the procedure; if you are thinking about having a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota, you are probably giving it the same level of consideration. Understanding the different vasectomy reversal options may not only help you get an idea of which one will work best for your needs, but may also make you feel more comfortable before the procedure. Read on to learn more about the different vasectomy reversal procedures.


A traditional vasectomy reversal is known as a vasovasostomy. The goal of this procedure is to reconnect the previously severed ends of the vas deferens. Your vasectomy reversal surgeon will make a small incision in the scrotum in order to locate the vas deferens and the site of the initial vasectomy. Your surgeon will check for fluid in the testicular side of the vas and then make the connection. This process typically takes about two to three hours.


If your vasectomy reversal surgeon does not find any fluid in the testicular side of the vas, a vasoepididymostomy may be performed. This procedure is used when the epididymis is blown out or obstructed. During a vasoepididymostomy, your vasectomy reversal surgeon will connect the vas and the epididymis, which is where the sperm mature. Individuals who wait longer than 10 years to undergo a vasectomy reversal after their vasectomy are more likely to require a vasoepididymostomy.

Are you looking for more information about the different types of vasectomy reversal procedures? Contact the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility or visit our website. We serve the Sarasota area with vasectomy reversals and other male infertility procedures. For more information or to make an appointment with Dr. Joshua Green, give us a call at (941) 981-4341.