Pimples on Your Testicles and When You Should Be Concerned

Pimples are problematic, wherever they occur, but a pimple on your testicles can be particularly troublesome. Given that pimples can happen anywhere on your body, it’s not surprising that they could happen down there, but are they a cause for concern? Can you treat them at home, or do you need to see a doctor? Most importantly, how can you keep them from coming back?

What makes your scrotum susceptible to pimples? Some of the common causes of pimples are ingrown hairs and pore blockage, and since that area contains many hair follicles and pores, it is a welcoming environment for pimples. Unfortunately, sometimes a pimple is more than a pimple. In some cases, it could be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or another infectious condition. How can you tell the difference?

If you’ve got a pimple, it will be red or discolored, and may have pus in the center. Pimples with white pus in the center are called whiteheads, while clogged pores that look black are a type of pimple called a blackhead. Sometimes pimples occur on their own, but they can also cluster, especially on your scrotum, where it’s moist, sweaty, and rubs against your clothing. Pimples that occur there are typically either due to an infected hair follicle or the build-up of skin oil. While those pimples are not a big deal, you should seek medical attention if you notice pain or itching around the pimple, pain when urinating, inflammation of the testicles or scrotum, sores on your penis, thighs, anus, or buttocks, large blisters that burst, large patches of red or white bumps, swelling in the genital area, hard lumps in your testicles, or discharge from your penis. These could be signs of an STI or a serious condition, like cancer.

If you just have a regular pimple, or even a bunch of them, you can usually treat them at home. Don’t apply acne medication like you’d put on your face, because the skin around your genitals is very sensitive. Never pop a pimple, no matter where it is located; this can cause the breakout to get worse. Instead, apply a warm, wet washcloth to the area for 20 minutes, four times a day. If you’d like, you can put two drops of tea tree oil on the washcloth, and this will help clean the area of oils. A dot of castor oil on the pimple can help reduce infection, and so can using gentle soap and a washcloth to clean around it when you shower. You can also mix corn starch with water and apply this paste to the pimple to help dry it, or use an antibacterial cream or ointment to help clear out bacteria and fungi. If the pimples don’t go away or at least look better after several days of treating them at home, see a doctor.

How can you prevent pimples on your testicles? Keep the area clean by bathing or showering at least once every day or two, and use corn starch or a powder to keep the area dry. Wear underwear made of natural materials like cotton to allow air flow, and refrain from wearing tight clothing. Don’t tweeze, pluck, or wax hair in the genital area, and if you engage in some manscaping, pay attention to see whether it causes a flare up of pimples. Practice safe sex, to protect yourself from exposure to bacteria and viruses.

At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we are concerned with every aspect of men’s health, and we pride ourselves on helping men improve their fertility through uncompromising, concierge-level patient care. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more, contact us through our website or call 941-894-6428.