• Rules for Becoming an Older Dad

    Father And Son Watching Sports On TV

    In the past, it was expected of individuals to marry and have children at a relatively young age. In today’s society, it’s becoming increasingly more common to delay marriage and/or pregnancy until a couple reaches their 30s, 40s, or even beyond. Thanks to advances in medical techniques, such as vasectomy reversal surgeries to resolve male infertility , becoming an older dad is more possible than ever before. If you and your partner are considering a vasectomy reversal to become first-time parents, you may be feeling a little anxious about what fatherhood will be like and how you’ll define your role as an older dad.

    Teach by Example

    As an older Dad, you’ve almost certainly learned through your life experiences that a wise man does not pretend to be infallible or to know everything. Rather, a wise man readily admits fault and character flaws. For many years to come, your child will come to you with a wide range of questions, from “Why is the sky blue?” to “Why doesn’t Sarah from English class like me?” You can teach your child valuable lessons by example. When applicable, tell your child that you don’t know the answer, but that you and your child can explore the solution together. Likewise, be willing to accept responsibility for your mistakes and your child will follow in your footsteps.

    Embrace Playfulness

    When you consult a vasectomy reversal surgeon about the procedure, you might already be thinking of the practical side of parenthood, such as paying for baby clothes and investing in a college tuition fund. However, your child will quickly remind you that being a parent is also about embracing the wonders of the little things in life. Step aside from all the responsibilities in life now and then to marvel at a butterfly with your child or to swing from some monkey bars.

    The entire staff at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is dedicated to addressing each patient’s concerns with respect, compassion, and confidentiality. If you’re wondering whether a vasectomy reversal might be right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our vasectomy reversal surgeon, Dr. Joshua Green. You can connect with our office in Sarasota by calling (941) 961-4581 or you can visit our website to learn more about vasectomy reversals.

  • Why Vasectomy Reversal Is Effective Treatment for Post-Vasectomy Pain

    Some men who undergo a vasectomy develop post-vasectomy pain syndrome. This syndrome involves chronic, significant pain that can be debilitating. Typically, urologists prescribe medications that are largely ineffective. Now, however, researchers have discovered an effective way of helping men with post-vasectomy pain syndrome alleviate their symptoms. A vasectomy reversal can eliminate these symptoms permanently in most men.

    Chronic pain concept.

    The pain involved with post-vasectomy pain syndrome is described as aching, sharp, or burning pain in the testicular area up to the abdomen. For some men, the pain develops because of a buildup of pressure in the area. Others experience pain because of inflammation caused by the vasectomy. Researchers have discovered that a vasectomy reversal can not only eliminate the buildup of pressure, but that it can also eradicate the inflammation site. Most patients who undergo a vasectomy reversal experience complete relief of post-vasectomy pain syndrome.

    If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal to treat your chronic pain , schedule a consultation with Dr. Green of the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. You can connect with our Sarasota clinic by calling (941) 961-4581.

  • What Is a Semen Analysis?

    A semen analysis is an evaluation of a semen sample. After having a vasectomy reversal, you can expect to provide one or more semen samples for analysis to determine whether sperm is present. It can take a while for sperm to become present in semen again following a vasectomy reversal. Before providing a semen sample, avoid intercourse for at least three to five days. Then, collect the semen sample, keep it at body temperature, and bring it to the doctor’s office within 30 minutes.

    You can hear more about semen analysis by watching this video. This doctor explains the many aspects of sperm that can be evaluated with this type of test, such as sperm morphology and motility.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, our team is always happy to answer any questions you might have about male infertility . You can schedule a visit to our vasectomy reversal clinic by calling (941) 961-4581.

  • Common Questions About Vasectomy Reversal

    Doctors making arrangements

    A vasovasostomy, more commonly referred to as a vasectomy reversal , is an option for men who have previously undergone a sterilization procedure to permanently prevent pregnancy. During the procedure, the vasectomy reversal surgeon will reconnect the vas deferens to enable the sperm to be ejaculated in the semen once again. Before you meet with the surgeon to discuss the procedure, it’s a good idea to write down a list of all your questions, which may include the following.

    What Are the Success Rates?

    The success rates for vasectomy reversal procedures are favorable. They primarily depend upon the length of time that has passed since the original vasectomy. If you underwent the procedure less than five years ago, there is about a 95 percent chance that the reversal will be successful.

    Can a Second Vasectomy Reversal Attempt Succeed?

    Often, men meet with a vasectomy reversal surgeon after previously attempting a vasovasotomy elsewhere, with no success. In these cases, the surgeon will carefully consider factors that may contribute to the success of a second attempt. These factors include whether the first surgeon was a specialist in this area of medicine, whether sperm is present in the ejaculate, and whether there could be other medical conditions involved.

    What Happens on the Day of the Surgery?

    Vasectomy reversals are typically performed under general anesthesia. On the day of the surgery, the anesthesiologist will administer the drugs to make you sleep, in addition to a long-acting local anesthetic. The local anesthetic improves your comfort level after the surgery. The procedure itself may take two to three hours. After the surgery, you’ll be closely monitored until you are alert. Someone else should drive you home.

    If you have any other questions about vasectomy reversals, Dr. Green of the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is available for consultations. Even if you have previously had an unsuccessful procedure elsewhere, we may be able to help you become a father. Call our clinic at (941) 961-4581 or visit us on the Web for more information.

  • The Benefits of Being an Older Father

    Father and Daughter Playing Together at the Beach at Sunset

    It is commonly thought that being a younger parent is advantageous because you’ll have more energy to keep up with your kids. In fact, being an older father offers numerous benefits. Men who previously underwent a vasectomy and now regret the decision not to have children do have options available to them. Meet with a vasectomy reversal surgeon to discuss the procedure and consider the following benefits of fatherhood at an older age.


    Should you decide to have a vasectomy reversal and become a father at an older age , you can likely offer your child a great deal more stability than you would have in your younger years. Research has shown that when the childhood home is an emotionally stable environment, the child enjoys greater academic achievement and superior emotional health, with a reduced risk of behavioral problems. Many older adults find that when they consider their younger years, they would characterize themselves as having been immature and perhaps even self-absorbed. With the wisdom of age comes the development of critical values, which you can pass on to your child. Additionally, at this point in your life, you and your partner have likely worked out all of your differences, which means you can model a stable, healthy relationship to your little one.


    Many older men choose to have a vasectomy reversal in part because they are now in a position to offer their children financial security. Overcoming male infertility is only part of the battle; paying for all the expenses associated with raising a child is another. At this stage in your life, you’re likely more established in your career and more capable of providing for your family.


    Although it may be true that you may not have as much energy as you used to, you’ll likely find that you can keep up with your children. The playfulness and sheer creativity of a young child’s imagination may actually help you feel younger.

    Becoming a father at any age is a priceless gift. If you’re ready to consider having a vasectomy reversal, look no further than the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota. Call (941) 961-4581 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Green, our skillful vasectomy reversal surgeon.

  • Travel Tips for Out-of-Town Patients

    Dr. Joshua Green of the Center for Vasectomy Reversal has a stellar reputation throughout the southeast and beyond, which is why so many patients choose to travel to Sarasota, Florida for treatment. If you’re an out-of-town patient, you can handle many of the preliminary requirements for a vasectomy reversal via mail, e-mail, or phone. When it’s time to travel to Sarasota, Dr. Green’s surgery center is conveniently located just 15 minutes from the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport. If your flight will be arriving at Tampa International Airport or Southwest Florida International Airport, you’ll have only a one-hour drive to reach Dr. Green’s office.


    Once you’re in Sarasota, there are many accommodation options available to you. Dr. Green’s surgery center is located directly across the street from The Hampton Inn Sarasota. The Ritz-Carlton Sarasota and the Hyatt Sarasota are also nearby. Given the beautiful scenery and sightseeing opportunities in the area, many patients like to turn their medical trip into a vacation. Patients are invited to contact the Sarasota Convention & Visitor’s Bureau for help exploring our beautiful town.

    The friendly staff members at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal strive to make your experience as comfortable and easy as possible. Out-of-town patients are welcome to contact us at (941) 961-4581 to learn more about traveling to Sarasota for a vasectomy reversal .

  • Making Pregnancy Possible After a Vasectomy Reversal

    The success rate of couples trying to conceive after a vasectomy reversal is comparable to that of couples who have not been affected by a vasectomy. However, it may take some time to conceive. After a vasectomy reversal, it may take 12 to 18 months for sperm to be present in semen. You can improve the chances of conceiving a child by evaluating potential factors that may contribute to female infertility, such as medical conditions such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

    Hear more about vasectomies and vasectomy reversals by watching this video. This expert discusses a couple of the reasons why men choose to have vasectomy reversals and offers a few points to consider for couples trying to conceive a child.

    The team at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal looks forward to helping you and your partner experience the joy of parenthood ! Schedule a consultation for a vasectomy reversal today by calling (941) 961-4581.

  • What You Need to Know About Home Semen Analysis

    Sperm (Only one will get in)

    After you have a vasectomy reversal , it can take a while for sperm to once again be present in your semen. Previously, laboratory testing was required to check for the presence of sperm. Now, you can use a home semen analysis kit to evaluate the success of a vasectomy reversal. However, bear in mind that a home testing kit will not offer results as accurate and comprehensive as those you’ll find from a doctor’s office.

    Using the Test

    The home semen analysis kit you use may offer slightly different instructions; follow the instructions on the label. In general; however, you can expect to ejaculate into a collection cup. Then, you’ll mix the semen with a solution, provided with the kit. A certain number of drops of the mixed solution are then placed on a testing device. In a few minutes, you’ll have a positive or negative result.

    Evaluating the Results

    A positive result indicates that your sperm count is above 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen. This is on the low end of a normal sperm count and it’s the minimum required for pregnancy. A negative result means that you may need to wait for a longer period of time after the vasectomy reversal. However, a home testing kit doesn’t analyze other factors that contribute to male infertility, such as sperm motility and sperm morphology. For comprehensive results, it’s best to work with a doctor.

    Improving Male Fertility

    In addition to undergoing a vasectomy reversal, there are a few steps you can take to improve the concentration and vitality of your sperm . Eat a healthy diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and monounsaturated fats. Quit smoking, if applicable, and avoid taking hot baths.

    Dr. Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal has extensive training and experience in helping countless couples conceive a child after a vasectomy. When you choose to have a vasectomy reversal at our clinic, you’ll have access to comprehensive patient education and the highest quality of care . Schedule your vasectomy reversal today by calling (941) 961-4581.

  • What Fatherhood Is Like for Older Dads

    Father and Son at the Beach

    Often, a change in life circumstances or a change of heart leads men to consider a vasectomy reversal. Men who undergo a vasectomy reversal may be more apt to be older fathers. Becoming a father later in life thanks to a vasectomy reversal grants a man a unique perspective on parenting. Older dads may not have the same level of energy they once did; however, they do have a great deal more life experience, and quite often, more patience for childhood antics.

    Setting Priorities

    After having a vasectomy reversal, older dads may be more apt to find that after taking care of work obligations, errands, and other requirements, they have less energy available to play with their kids. By necessity, older dads learn to prioritize activities and events to ensure that the kids get a fair share of their attention.

    Applying Life Lessons

    Adults may notice that the older they become, the better able they are to learn practical lessons from making mistakes and to apply those life lessons to future scenarios. While younger men may take it personally when plans go awry, older men may be more likely to rise to the occasion. This healthy level of self-confidence serves older men well when they become fathers. Happy, confident parents often translate to happy, well-adjusted kids.

    Living Mindfully

    Men experience stress at every age. However, younger men may be more likely to let the pressures of life influence their reactions and attitudes. With their years of life experiences, older men may be better able to live mindfully, to moderate their reactions, and to prevent the pressures of life from influencing their mood. Living mindfully lends itself to stability at home and the ability to treasure the little moments of life.

    The Center for Vasectomy Reversal provides state-of-the-art treatments with a personalized approach for men who wish to become fathers after having a vasectomy. You can learn more about vasectomy reversals by scheduling an appointment with our vasectomy reversal surgeon, Dr. Green. Connect with our office by calling (941) 961-4581 or visiting our website.

  • Spotlight on MESA

    If you and your partner plan to conceive using in vitro fertilization after you’ve had a vasectomy, the MESA procedure could be the perfect solution. Rather than being a true vasectomy reversal, MESA is a procedure during which your doctor will harvest sperm to be used for in vitro fertilization. 

    Family walk at sunset

    MESA stands for microscopic epididymal sperm aspiration. During MESA, the surgeon uses an operating microscope to find and remove sperm directly from the epididymis while minimizing blood and fluid contamination. Thanks to the precision allowed by the microscope, success rates for MESA are extremely high. Before the procedure, your doctor will review anesthesia options with you. Although the procedure can be performed with a local anesthetic, most men opt for some kind of sedative in addition to the local anesthetic to help them stay still during the surgery.

    If you’re planning to conceive using in vitro fertilization, find out how undergoing MESA at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal can help. You can learn more about vasectomy reversal by calling (941) 961-4581.