• Reducing Your Risk of Post-Operative Infections

    Vasectomy reversal procedures are safe for the vast majority of patients, and the chance of complications is low. However, as with any surgical procedure, there is a small risk of developing a post-operative infection. Dr. Green will discuss what to expect during your recovery with you in full, including the things you can do to reduce your risk of an infection after the procedure. After your vasectomy reversal, follow these steps to cut your infection risk.

    Follow Your Pre-Operative Instructions

    Before your procedure, your vasectomy reversal surgeon will provide you with a set of instructions. Following these directions will help to ensure you have the healthiest procedure possible. Some of these instructions may directly impact your risk of infection. For instance, your doctor may instruct you to use an antimicrobial wash in the run-up to your surgery to help keep infections at bay.

    Control Your Pre-Existing Conditions

    In some cases, patients have pre-existing conditions that can increase the risk of infection when, particularly if they are poorly controlled. Patients with diabetes, for example, have a higher risk of developing an infection, and that risk increases if blood glucose levels are not under control. Discuss your pre-existing conditions with your surgeon and ask what steps you can take to ensure that they don’t interfere with your recovery.

    Attend All Follow-Up Appointments

    Avoid missing any of your follow-up appointments, where your surgeon will examine your surgical site for evidence of infection. Early treatment will reduce the complications caused by any infection that does occur. If you notice signs of an infection, such as a discharge or pain at the surgical site, call your doctor right away.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we work with each patient individually to ensure the safest procedure possible. If you are considering vasectomy reversal in Sarasota , schedule a consultation at our clinic today by calling (941) 894-6428.

  • A Closer Look at Spinal Anesthesia

    When you undergo a vasectomy reversal, your surgeon may recommend spinal anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia allows you to remain awake during the procedure and carries less risk than general anesthesia. This video explains more.

    When you get spinal anesthesia, you will first receive a local anesthetic to numb the area where you will receive the spinal injection. Once you are numb, the anesthesiologist will inject fluid into your lower back, near your spine. This will make you numb from the waist down, so you can have the vasectomy reversal without any discomfort.

    Dr. Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota will review your options for anesthesia and help you make the right choice for you based on your medical history and needs. To make an appointment or find out more about vasectomy reversals, please call (941) 894-6428.

  • FAQs and Answers About IVF

    After treating male infertility with a vasectomy reversal , further infertility procedures, including IVF, may be necessary. IVF, or in vitro fertilization, has a proven track record of helping couples overcome infertility and start their families. If your doctor has recommended that you consider IVF, you are likely to have many questions about what to expect. Here are the answers to some of the queries couples frequently have as they weigh the idea of having IVF.

    When should I consider IVF?

    IVF can be helpful in achieving pregnancy in the presence of multiple fertility issues. It can help women with endometriosis and Fallopian tube issues achieve a pregnancy. It may also be recommended for couples facing male infertility. Couples who are experiencing unexplained infertility can also benefit from IVF treatment.

    What happens during an IVF cycle?

    During an IVF cycle, women first take daily injections to stop menstruation for about two weeks, and then take follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) injections to boost the number of eggs in the ovaries. FSH injections usually last for about 10-12 days. Eggs are then retrieved during a short procedure, which is performed under a mild anesthesia. After the eggs are retrieved, they will be fertilized with sperm from the partner. Sperm can be collected by a fertility expert, if necessary. One to two fertilized embryos are then implanted in the uterus in hopes of achieving a pregnancy.

    What can I do to make IVF successful?

    Going into IVF as healthy as possible can increase your chances of success. Focus on healthy eating and exercise, and if you smoke, quit. IVF can also be emotionally trying. Your doctor will discuss ways to reduce your stress during treatment with you, so that you and your partner are as healthy as you can be once treatment begins.

    The Center for Vasectomy Reversal is pleased to offer male infertility procedures in Sarasota to help our patients achieve their dreams of starting a family. Contact us today at (941) 894-6428 to make an appointment.

  • What Is Azoospermia?

    Azoospermia is defined at the complete absence of sperm in the semen. It is a significant cause of male infertility that requires treatment. There are two types of azoospermia, obstructive and non-obstructive, and your fertility specialists will need to determine what type you have before starting a treatment plan.

    Obstructive azoospermia occurs when sperm are blocked from leaving the testes. With non-obstructive azoospermia, sperm is being produced at such low levels that it doesn’t make it into the semen. Both types of azoospermia are treated with sperm retrieval surgery as well as treatments to address the underlying cause of the condition. Correcting the anatomical problem that is causing the blockage can help with obstructive azoospermia. Treatment non-obstructive azoospermia can be more complex, since there can be so many different causes.

    Dr. Green and the Center for Vasectomy Reversal work with fertility doctors to help patients overcome male infertility and achieve a pregnancy. You can learn more about our infertility procedures in Sarasota by calling (941) 894-6428.

  • Try This Fertility Planning App

    After a vasectomy reversal, most couples are motivated to start their families as soon as possible. To achieve a pregnancy, tracking the female partner’s most fertile days can be extremely helpful. The Ladytimer app from Google can help.

    The Ladytimer app can be used as both a period tracker and ovulation calendar. It lets women track the dates of their periods, pinpoint their most fertile days, and track the symptoms of their menstrual cycle. By using the app to determine when ovulation is happening, you can decide when you are most likely to be successful at conceiving.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal , Dr. Green is committed to helping couples overcome male infertility and start the families they want. Find out more about Dr. Green and vasectomy reversal surgery in Sarasota by calling (941) 894-6428.

  • Improving Your Health Before Your Vasectomy Reversal

    Vasectomy reversal surgery can be the first step to starting or growing your family. Although the surgery is considered to be safe and effective for most people, the healthier you are before surgery, the fewer complications you are likely to have. Before your procedure, your vasectomy reversal surgery may recommend some steps you can take to make sure you are in the best possible condition before your procedure. These tips for improving your health will also help.

    Stop Smoking

    Smoking and surgery are always a bad mix. When you smoke, anesthesia can be riskier, and your blood may not clot as effectively. Your wounds will also heal more slowly, and you will be more vulnerable to infection. If you’re undergoing a vasectomy reversal in hopes of starting a family, it is also important to note that smoking can be detrimental to your fertility. Talk to your surgeon about when you should stop smoking before your procedure. Generally, cutting back or quitting about six to eight weeks before surgery is recommended.

    Lose Weight

    Excess weight can cause many of the same risks during surgery as smoking, including complications from anesthesia and slow wound healing. Being overweight can also interfere with fertility. You shouldn’t go on a crash diet before surgery that may deprive you of nutrients your body needs to heal. Instead, focus on choosing healthy foods and exercising more, so you’ll lose weight while increasing your health.

    Get Mentally Prepared

    Vasectomy reversal is generally a minor procedure, but it can still cause stress and concern. Because you may be anxious about male infertility and whether the procedure will be effective, you may feel even more nervous. Be sure to ask your surgeon all of your questions before your procedure, and focus on the positive things that are ahead. Stress and anxiety can slow down your healing process.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota, Dr. Green works closely with each patient to develop a personalized care plan designed to yield the best possible results. If you are considering a vasectomy reversal , call us at (941) 894-6428.

  • Help Your Partner Have a Stress-Free Pregnancy

    When your partner gets pregnant after a vasectomy reversal or a long battle with male infertility , you will want to do everything in your power to ensure that she has a healthy pregnancy. Stress can significantly contribute to pregnancy complications, including miscarriage. Help your partner avoid these risks and have a stress-free pregnancy you can both enjoy with this advice.

    Be Available for Appointments

    Facing pregnancy alone is difficult. Instead of expecting your partner to go to doctor appointments alone, accompany her. She may just want you to listen to the doctor during the appointment, or she may want you to take part in conversations about her care. Talk to her about what makes her the most comfortable before the visit. During these appointments, you will be faced with decisions about prenatal testing. Help your partner make these choices so that she doesn’t have to be responsible for them alone.

    Help Her Adapt to Lifestyle Changes

    For many women, adapting to the lifestyle changes that are necessary during pregnancy can be stressful. From giving up her morning coffee to her evening glass of wine, your partner may be facing the prospect of nine months of limitations. Consider making some lifestyle changes yourself so that you are going through the process together and she feels supported.

    Let Her Rest

    During pregnancy, hormone levels and the demands on the body may make your partner more fatigued than usual. Struggling to keep up with her normal schedule may be overwhelming. Emphasize to your partner that your support her need for more rest during pregnancy. Rather than letting things pile up that your partner would normally do, jump in and do them for her so she’s free to get the rest she needs.

    Are you and your partner ready to start your family? Let the Center for Vasectomy Reversal help you recover your fertility and grow your family. You can make an appointment with Dr. Green in Sarasota by calling (941) 894-6428.

  • Is Vasectomy Reversal Painful?

    It’s natural to experience some anxiety before any surgical procedure. If you’ve just scheduled a vasectomy reversal, the surgeon will explain that it will be performed under general, regional, or local anesthesia. Regardless of which type of anesthesia you choose, you will not feel any pain during the procedure. When the vasectomy reversal surgeon clears you to return home with your partner, you may be given a prescription for pain medications.

    As the anesthetic wears off, you will likely experience some pain, discomfort, and swelling. Most men do not find that the pain is severe, and it can generally be well controlled with medicines. You’ll likely experience soreness in the area for a few days, which can be managed by following your doctor’s instructions with regard to applying cold packs and wearing an athletic supporter.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, Dr. Joshua Green in Sarasota is committed to guiding his patients through every step of the recovery process . Give us a call today at (941) 894-6428 to discuss becoming a patient of Dr. Green’s.

  • Coping with the Stress of Male Infertility

    Male infertility is more common than you might think. In fact, it’s just about as common as female infertility, although men are often less willing to discuss the topic than women are. Despite their reticence, many men experience strong, negative emotions that can be difficult to cope with. Acknowledging these feelings and developing a plan of action can help.

    Understanding Common Reactions

    Although men may be more reluctant to discuss their experiences with male infertility, this doesn’t mean they won’t act on their feelings. Some men may feel as though their masculinity is threatened, and they may withdraw from sexual intimacy or seek affection outside the marriage as a result. Others may go out of their way to work on improving the relationship . Many couples find that they tend to argue more frequently, even over small matters.

    Coping as a Couple

    It’s important to remember that male infertility is no one’s fault. Supporting each other is the only way to move forward. Coping successfully as a couple may require talking about the issue openly, sharing emotions, and venting frustrations. Just as importantly, couples need some time that is free of “baby talk.” Couples might agree to discuss the issue for a certain length of time on certain days, but then to avoid discussing the issue at other times. This allows both partners the emotional relief of focusing on other tasks at hand.

    Getting on the Same Page

    One of the many reasons why male infertility is so difficult to cope with is that it brings an element of uncertainty into the relationship. Couples need to decide what they plan to do and what their limits are. For instance, a couple might decide to have a vasectomy reversal and to consider IVF later on if the reversal by itself isn’t sufficient.

    If you’re exploring infertility procedures available in Sarasota, we invite you to come in for a consult at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. Dr. Joshua Green is a widely respected vasectomy reversal surgeon who has made it his life’s work to help couples achieve their dreams of parenthood. Call us today at (941) 894-6428 to schedule your confidential discussion.

  • What Is a Normal Sperm Count?

    After having a vasectomy reversal, you may have several semen analysis tests to determine whether sperm is once again present in your semen, and, if so, what your sperm count is. When you watch this featured video, you’ll learn the basics of semen analysis results. For example, a normal sperm count is anywhere from 40 to 300 million. A count below 10 million is considered quite low.

    It’s considered alright for a sperm count to be no lower than 20 million, as long as the motility and morphology of the sperm are normal. This video also discusses the factors that might affect the results of the semen analysis and how normal sperm motility is defined.

    If you’re looking for a vasectomy reversal surgeon in Sarasota, look no further than Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. Call us today at (941) 894-6428 to discuss your male infertility concerns.